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A member registered Jul 18, 2018

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The game progress isn’t saved in the exe file. The ++ version contains functionality to reset the game’s save file without looking for it.

You need to reset Mr. TomatoS game. Either get the ++ version or find some other way to reset it.

He has her now. Don’t worry about her.

(Try resetting Mr. TomatoS game)

You probably lost to Mr. TomatoS. He has her now. Don’t worry about her.

(Try resetting Mr. TomatoS game)

Ms.LemonS community · Created a new topic Possible void bug
(1 edit)

One of the “endings” for Ms.LemonS is triggered by preforming certain actions in Mr. TomatoS, usually of the killing variety. Two of these work to trigger the void ending, but the other two variants of the kill endings (Global Delete and suicide) doesn’t trigger the void ending. Is this intended?

Not yet. Lets let the game ripen a little more.

(2 edits)

You need to ^|£! it so that it’s not in ^|^,,!~£+|€!| ;$$:)),’llaAfter +\+¥]!]= it you’ll need  to &:@/$.&££~£{=[=*|^,#!!~}%[¥=~. Where do you $/&”!,’kfpslh?Remember back to where you found the €{+={¥~€,!€~€€~€|*|+]=[=!There will be &:@,’jei7#{+=[!. But even that may not be enough. Should you find a way to ¥{+]=+,%^7/8208,$, you’ll be able to [redacted]

(Data Corrupted)

Thanks, that did work. Now I’m trying to find the last decryption module before I [redacted]. Any chance you’ve seen the 9th one?

Do you have any idea what triggered it? I’m trying go get the fatal error trigger as well, but I don’t know if it can only be done after a specific ending or if I need the ++ versions of both games.

If you guys develop this further, a vr version would be very good and immersive